addspawner=You've added a %h1%v%r spawner. t_aqua=Aqua back=Back bedset=You set the bed for team %h1%v%r. breakbed=Player %h1%v%r broke the bed of team %h1%v%r. bronze=Bronze changedir=Change bed direction clickset=Click to set the location createdgame=You have successfully created the game. currentdir=%h1Current: %r%v generalsettings=General settings gold=Gold help.add=%c|insert|/%v add |%h1/%v add [Game]|%r Adds a new game help.pos1=%c|command|/%v pos1|%h1/%v pos1|%r Sets the first position help.pos2=%c|command|/%v pos2|%h1/%v pos2|%r Sets the second position help.reload=%c|command|/%v reload|%h1/%v reload|%r Reloads the configuration help.setjoin=%c|insert|/%v setjoin |%h1/%v setjoin [Game] [Team]|%r Sets a Teamjoiner help.setup=%c|command|/%v setup|%h1/%v setup (Game)|%r Opens the setup menu holo.beds=%rBroken beds: %h2%v holo.deaths=%rDeaths: %h2%v games: %h2%v holo.kills=%rKills: %h2%v holo.wins=%rWon games: %h2%v hologram=Hologram holoset=You've set the hologram location. iron=Iron ispawn=Item spawner lbset=You've set the lobby location. lobby=Lobby location=Location newname=There is already a game called %h1%v%r. newspawner=Add spawner next=Next no=No noentity=No entity was found within range. ownbed=You can't break your own bed. positionset=You have set the %h1%v. position%r. ppt=Players per team reloaded=The configuration has been successfully reloaded. reloadstart=The configuration will be reloading... remove=Remove setbed=Set bed setpos=Please set all positions before creating the game. setspawn=You have set the spawn for team %h1%v%r. setteamspawn=Set team spawn settings=Settings startplayers=Start players teamnotfound=The team %h1%v%r could not be found. teams=Teams teleport=Teleport trapalert=A trap was triggered! villager=Villager win=The team %h1%v%r won. yes=Yes t_dark_gray=Dark gray t_dark_purple=Purple t_gold=Gold t_green=Green t_yellow=Yellow t_dark_blue=Dark blue t_red=Red t_blue=Blue ach_1=First Blood ach_2=Teamplayer ach_3=Already over? ach_4=Builder ach_5=Farmer ach_6=Elite Warrior ach_7=Devil's number! ach_8=Best Man ach_9=Safe is safe ach_10=BOOM ach_11=Survivalist ach_12=Only the very best ach_13=Merciless Killer ach_14=Alchemist ach_15=You can't break them? achd_1=Kill someone first. achd_2=Give a teammate a sword / one piece of armor! achd_3=Win a round in less than 5 minutes! achd_4=Place more than 500 blocks in a round! achd_5=Own 64 gold in your inventory! achd_6=Win a round while your team-bed is destroyed! achd_7=Have at the end of the round exactly 666 items in your inventory! achd_8=Win a round alone without living team partner! achd_9=Buy 5 safety platforms! achd_10=Use a gravity grenade! achd_11=Don't die in a round! achd_12=Buy in store a bow of the highest class! achd_13=Kill a player 100 times in a round! achd_14=Buy in a round 25 potions! achd_15=Kill a player with a pickaxe! gameover=The game is over. shop=Shop noreplace=You are not allowed to replace this block. teamjoincreated=You have successfully created a team join for the team %h1%v%r. nogames=There are no existing games. bedontop=You can't place the bed on the same location as the team bed of team %h1%v%r. lobbyitems.start=Start cmdnotfound=The command %h1/%v %v%r could not be found. game.fixed=You fixed all invisible players %c|tooltip|%h1A Minecraft bug, which makes some players invisible.|%h1?|%r. commandnotallowed=The command %h1%v%r is not allowed during the game. lobbyitems.exit=Exit game.youleft=You left the game. notready.teamsetup=Not all teams are configured yet. lobbyitems.startinfo=Click with this item to start the game. ping is %h1%v ms%r. game.noping=Your ping could not be determined. top.nowall=There is no Top10 wall with the id %h1#%v%r. There are the following walls: game.joinedteam=You joined the team %h1%v%r. game.empty=Empty save.start=The saving process started with the following type: %h1%v%r save.olddeleteerror=The old savestate could not be deleted. Please try it again. restart.2=The game restarts in %h1%v%r second. restart.1=The restarts in %h1%v%r seconds. save.kickinfo=There is currently saving a map. %rUnfortunately, no alternative world could be found. %rPlease %h1wait a few seconds%r before reconnecting. help.join=%c|command|/%v join|%h1/%v join (game)|%r Join a game reset help.stats=%c|command|/%v stats|%h1/%v stats (Player)|%r Displays statistics game.notjoinable=The game is currently not joinable. lobbyitems.teaminfo=Use this item to select a team. help.stop=%c|command|/%v stop|%h1/%v stop (Game)|%r Stops a game game.criticalerror=A critical game error occurred: %h1Error %v%r game.notstartable=The game is currently not startable. top.removed=The Top10 wall has been removed. spec.spectator=Spectator achievements.get=You got the %c|tooltip|%h1%v|%h1%v|%r achievement! help.remove=%c|insert|/%v remove |%h1/%v remove [Game]|%r Removes a game game.started=You have successfully started the game. lobbyitems.lang=Language game.leftteam=You left the team %h1%v%r. notready.startplayers=The number of start players is %h2%v%r, but must be at least %h1%v%r. game.teamisfull=Unfortunately, the team %h1%v%r is full. notready.spawns=There is no spawn set. builder.removed=The builder of the map has been removed. game.join=Join save.couldnotcopy=Could not copy the world folder, please try it again. game.stopped=You have successfully stopped the game. builder.set=The builder of the map has been set to %h1%v%r. game.kicked=You were kicked to make room for a higher ranked player. save.area=Area top.created=Successfully created a Top10 wall with the ID %h1#%v%r. notready.teamamount=There are too few teams. There are at least %h1%v%r needed. game.playersinteam=%v players help.builder=%c|insert|/%v builder |%h1/%v builder [Game] [Builder]|%r Sets the builder of the map holo.rank=%rRank: %h2%v team points.plural=Points game.mapby=This map has been built by %h1%v%r. save.worldnotempty=The world could not be emptied. Please try again. help=Use %c|command|/%v help|%h1/%v help|%r to get a command overview. cmddesc=Main command for %h1%v%r by %c|url|%v|%h1%v|%r. achievements.title=Achievements save.teleportbackreset=The reset process has been finished und you were teleported back. game.left=%h1%v%r left the game. game.selectteam=Select team help.availablecommands=You can execute the following commands: game.spectator=The game is already running, you are now a spectator! game.notexist=There is no game called %h1%v%r. statistics=Statistics save.teleportback=The saving process has finished and you will be teleported back. game.notready=The game is not ready to use yet. game.ingame=You are already in a game. updateavailable=A new update is available (%h1%v%r)! Click here to download it: %h2%v%r holo.points=%r%v: %h2%v game.unfairteams=The team distribution is unfair. Therefore, the teams will be reshuffled. spec.teleport=Teleport points.singular=Point game.died=%h1%v%r died. game.removed=You successfully removed the game %h1%v%r. game.notingame=You are not in a game. game.restarting=The game is restarting. Please be patient. save.kickinforeset=There is currently resetting a map. %rUnfortunately, no alternative world could be found. %rPlease %h1wait a few seconds%r before reconnecting. save.error=An error occurred! (%h2Errorcode: %h1%v%r) game.joined=%h1%v%r joined the game. game.noperfectfound=No game to join was found. game.sneakremove=Sneak to remove the game for %h1%v%r. all=All help.nocmds=There are no commands you can execute. game.teamfull=Full spec.dontblock=Please don't block players.|insert|/%v remove |%h1/%v save [Game]|%r Saves a game lobbyitems.mpinfo=Click with this item to play MusicParty. game.stoprestart=The game can't be stopped while restarting. lobbyitems.hideinfo=Click with this item to change your identity. game.nolobbyfound=You couldn't be moved to the lobby server. game.killedby=%h1%v%r has been killed by %h2%v%r. help.list=%c|command|/%v list|%h1/%v list|%r Lists all games points.get=You've got %h1%v %v%r. team save.alreadyreset=There is currently a world reset. Please wait until this process is complete. spec.join=You are now a spectator. save.teleportinfo=There is currently saving a map. You will be %h1teleported back%r in a few seconds. onlyplayer=Only a player can execute this command. perm=You don't have the %c|tooltip|%h1%v|%h1permission|%r, to execute this command. gamestart.2=The game starts in %h1%v%r second. error=An error occurred with the following message: %h1%v%r save.savefailure=The saving process has answered with the message %h1%v%r. save.couldnotunload=Could not unload the world. Please try it again. gamestart.1=The game starts in %h1%v%r seconds. notfindplayer=The player %h1%v%r could not be found. credits=You are using %c|url|%v|%h1%v|%r version %h1%v%r by %c|url|%v|%h1%v|%r. save.alreadysaving=There is already %h1%v%r saving. lobbyitems.teleporter=Teleport Team save.savesuccess=The game has been saved successfully in %h1~%v%r seconds. notready.notsaved=The game has not been saved yet. save.noworld=Could not find a world for %h1%v%r. notready.lobby=The lobby isn't set. lobbyitems.exitinfo=Click with this item to leave the game. help.leave=%c|command|/%v leave|%h1/%v leave|%r Leave a game lobbyitems.achievements=Achievements save.teleportinforeset=There is currently resetting a %h1skywars map%r. You will be %h1teleported back%r in a few seconds. holo.kd=%rK/D: %h2%v game.list=There are %h1%v%r games help.start=%c|command|/%v start|%h1/%v start (Game)|%r Starts a game save.blocklogger=Block saving|insert|/%v top |%h1/%v top [NORTH;EAST;SOUTH;WEST]|%r Creates a new Top10 wall lobbyitems.achievementsinfo=Click with this item to view your achievements. lobbyitems.hide=Rename top.cancelled=The creation has been cancelled by an external process. game.full=The game is full. lobbyitems.langinfo=Click with this item to change the language. notready.default=The game isn't ready to start yet!